
Analisis Praktik Pengungkapan Intellectual Capital Pada Website Universitas Peraih QS-Star 2011

Analisis Praktik Pengungkapan Intellectual Capital Pada Website Universitas Peraih QS-Star 2011
ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to describe of intellectual capital (IC) disclosure on the website of Indone-sian university. The intellectual capital was devided to three major component; human capital, structural capital, and relational capital. The component used in this study is the framework was composed by Ulum (2011) which consist of 46 items. The result shows that from 35 university’ s website, Airlangga University disclose 55% component of IC. For the major of ‘human capital’, ‘non-academic staff ’ was the most widely expressed by universities. While, for the major of ‘structural capital’, item of ‘infrastucture’ was domonated the disclosure. And, the ‘e-learning’ was a favourite item to disclose by university from ‘relational capital’ major. The result also indicates that the extent of IC disclosure by Indonesian university still limited.
Keywords:  Intellectual capital, disclosure, website.
Penulis: Rizky  Yudhi Pratiwi
Kode Jurnal: jpakuntansidd120002
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