Abstract: Isolation and characterization of triterpenoid from n-hexane fraction in Annona squamosa L stem bark extract has been investigated. The result was obtained as a white crystal with melting point 176.8 – 178.2 oC which has shown single spot to several eluents in some comparisons. LB test has indicated was of the triterpenoid compound. UV spectra of the compound has shown max absorption at 206 nm which of non–conjugated double bond. From IR spectra analysis one can conclude that the appearance of bands at around 3440 cm-1, 2931 cm-1, 1686 cm-1, 1372 cm-1 and 1199 cm-1 indicate the groups of –OH, aliphatic C-H,C=O, geminaldimetil and C-O.
Keywords: Triterpenoid, Annona squamosa L, geminal dimetil
Penulis: Ridhia, Sanusi Ibrahim, Mai Efdi
Kode Jurnal: jpkimiadd130087

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