
Fenomena Manajemen Laba dalam IPO (Initial Public Offering): Studi dengan Menggunakan Model Aharony dan Friedlan

Fenomena Manajemen Laba dalam IPO (Initial Public Offering): Studi dengan Menggunakan Model Aharony dan Friedlan
Abstract: The research was done on PT Multistrada Arah Sarana, during 2002 to 2007, using modified-Jones  Model.  The  research  used  two  means  differentiation  tests.  Based  on  the  result  of  two means  differentiation  test,  it  can  be  said  that  there  was  no  income  increasing  discretionary accruals one year before initial public offering (on 2004). Issuers also did not do income-decreas-ing  discretionary accruals  on one  year after  initial  public  offering  and  two  years after  initial public offering.
Hipotesis 1 and hipotesis 2 a and 2 b were refused, or can not be accepted. So, it can be concluded that PT  Multisrada Arah  Sarana did  not do income  smoothing before  and after  initial  public offering on Indonesia Stock Exchange.
Keywords: income  smoothing,  income  increasing  discretionary  accruals,  income  decreasing discretionary accruals, initial public offering.
Penulis: Lego  Waspodo
Kode Jurnal: jpakuntansidd110003
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