
Pengembangan Model Sistem Pengendalian Pada Aliansi Strategis Berbasis Syariah

Pengembangan Model Sistem Pengendalian Pada Aliansi Strategis Berbasis Syariah
Abstract: This research aims to develop model-based control system of a strategic alliance of sharia as an effort to increase productivity and revenue. The object of this research is ALKAMIL Alliance. The respondents of this research are the management board Alkamil Alliance. Method of data collection  is  done  by  several  instruments,  including:  questionnaires,  interviews,  and  FGD  (Focus Group Discussion). The collected data were analyzed with descriptive analysis. Type of data in the  form  of  primary  data  and  secondary  data. The  second  year:  preparation  of  materials  and models as well as testing and perfecting the model, revision, dissemination models that would eventually form the final result of operational manuals and compack disk on the model control system on strategic alliances. The existence of the organizational structure splitting responsibilities  functional  in firm,  the system  of registration  of  the  authority  and  procedures provide enough protection against wealth, debt, income, and costs, the practice a healthy in performing tasks and functions each organization unit, employee the quality in accordance with responsibil-ity answer.
Keywords:  control  systems,  strategic  alliances,  shari’a
Penulis: Siti  Zubaidah
Kode Jurnal: jpakuntansidd110007
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