
Perbedaan Cash Holding pada Perusahaan Dengan Leverage Tinggi dan Rendah

Perbedaan Cash Holding pada Perusahaan Dengan Leverage Tinggi dan Rendah
Abstract: This research tests the difference of cash holdings based on high and low corporate leverage for a sample of manufacturing company enlisted in Indonesian Stock Exchange over the period 2005-2007. Population of this research is all of manufacturing company at Indonesian Stock Exchange. Sampling methods use purposive sampling method. Hypothesis test use Mann-Whitney analysis. The results show that there are significance difference of cash holding among high leverage and low leverage firm. Firm with high leverage hold lower level of corporate cash holdings.
Keyword: cash holding, dummy, leverage
Penulis: Anggita Langgeng Wijaya
Kode Jurnal: jpakuntansidd110011
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