
Sikap Terhadap Merek yang Dikondisikan secara Klasik

Sikap Terhadap Merek yang Dikondisikan secara Klasik
ABSTRACT: This experimental research aims to analyze brand attitude of classical conditions through the combination of three conditioning procedures (short delayed conditioning-SDC, backward conditioning-BC, random control procedure-RC), and number of conditioning trial (6 and 12 conditioning). Furthermore, this reseach is to analyze the persistence of brand attitude after one week of classic conditioning treatment.
Experiment design is post test only, with 6 groups that got treatment of  watching series of advertisements which were classically conditioned. These series of conditioned advertisements are designed through combination between procedures and number of conditioning which are SDC-6 conditioning, SDC-12 conditioning, BC-6 conditioning, BC-12 conditioning, RC-6 conditioning, RC-12 conditioning.
Brand attitude is measured within scale 7 opposite brand attitude that has 16 items with reliability of 0.871. Persistence of brand attitude is measured through one week delay after treatment with the same scale (time postponement).
Data are analyzed using SPSS 13.0 for windows. The result shows that the first hypothesis is proven by F = 16.625, p = 0.00, mean SDC > BC > RC which means there is difference between brand attitude which is conditioned by conditioning procedures, and brand attitude which is conditioned by short delayed conditioning procedures the most positive compared backward conditioning and random control procedures. The second hypothesis is not proven, by F = 0.541 and p = 0.463 shows that there is no brand attitude difference than is conditioned by 6 and 12 conditioning, this means 6 conditioning is enough to create conditional effect. The third hypothesis is not proven also by F = 0.145 and p = 0.865 shows that there is no brand attitude difference which is classicaly conditioned through procedures and number of conditioning combinations. Furthermore, this research shows persistence brand attitude which is conditioned through short delayed conditioning and backward conditioning, and there is not persistence brand attitude in random control procedures after one week of treatment.
Keywords: brand attitude, persistence brand attitude, short delayed conditioning procedures, backward conditioning procedures, random control procedures, number of conditioning trial.
Penulis: F. Yuni Apsari, Thomas Dicky Hastjarjo
Kode Jurnal: jppiodd060003
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