Abstract: Corn (Zea mays L.) is one of the important world food crops, other than wheat and rice. Because corn is an important role as a source of food and medicine, the post-harvest handling is very important because it determines the quality of the corn for the next use. Drying process by adsorption is an option to replace conventional corn drying systems. In our study, the zeolite as adsorbent was mixed with corn in campfire the fluidized with air at 30-50oC. The air will evaporate water from the corn, and at the same time, the zeolite will absorb the water from the air, so the humidity will be maintained low. Thus heat consumption can be lowered and drying will become faster. Required materials in this study are corn and zeolite. Research conducted using fixed variable sampling time (15 minutes). Incoming air temperature(room temp, 30oC, 40oC, 50oC) and ratio between corn and zeolite drying the corn, characterization must do first. The dried corn tested the water, protein, fat contains and the colors. The results from this research show the best variable is variable with ratio between corn and zeolite (1:0, 1:3, 1:1, 3:1) are used as changing variables. Before appropriate with SNI standard for dried food ( 14 % ) is variable using incoming air temperature 40oC and 50oC with ratio between corn and zeolite 1 : 3 and using incoming air temperature 50oC. The suitable variable andappropriate with SNI standard for dried food ( 14 % ) is variable using incoming air temperature 40oC and 50oC with ratio between corn and zeolite 1 : 3.
Kata Kunci: jagung, pengeringan, suhu, rasio, zeolit
Penulis: JD Ryan , Christy S, and Muhammad , Ulil Absori, and Luqman
Kode Jurnal: jpkimiadd120077

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