Abstract: Isolation of triterpenoid and antioxidant activity from leaf of Sonchus arvensis extracts have been done. The methods used for isolation were maseration, fractionation and column chromatography. The isolated compound is white solid with melting point at 123.4-124.8oC which gave single spot in every eluent. The functional groups of the compound were conjugated double bond, -OH alcohol, C-O alcohol, C-O ether, C-H and specific absorption for triterpenoid was geminal dimethyl. Furthermore, determination of antioxidant activity of the isolated compound was analyzed by DPPH radical scavenging method and have showed that its activities in methanol, ethyl acetate and hexane were found to be 75.8; 79.5; and 43.1 %, respectively.
Keywords: Sonchus arvensis, triterpenoid, antioxidant
Penulis: Fathur Rahmat Putra, Afrizal, Mai Efdi
Kode Jurnal: jpkimiadd130090

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