
Komponen Kimia Asap Cair Hasil Pirolisis Limbah Padat Kelapa Sawit

Komponen Kimia Asap Cair Hasil Pirolisis Limbah Padat Kelapa Sawit
Abstract: Chemical  components  of liquid  smoke  which is  produced  via  pyrolisis  of  palm  oil  solid waste have  been  analyzed  by  using  gas  chromatography  mass  spectroscopy  (GC-MS).  Solid  waste consists  of  shell,  empty  fruit  bunch,  and  palm  fiber.  Solid  waste was  obtained  from  palm  oil manufactory  in  Tanjung  Semantok,    Aceh  province.  The  objective  of  this  research  was  to investigate  the  chemical  components  in  liquid  smoke  obtained  from  various  palm  oil  solid waste. Sample was pyrolyzed at 500°C for 5 hours by using tube furnace reactor type 21100 which is equipped by thermolyne as temperature adjustment. The yield of pyrolysis from shell, empty  fruit  bunch  and  palm  fiber  are  52,02;  29,59;  and  34,88%,  respectively.  The  results showed that 27; 13 and 11 compounds of chemical were observed in liquid smoke obtained by pyrolysis  of  shell,  empty  fruit  bunch,  and  palm  fiber,  respectively.  Overall,  acetic  acid  and phenol are the highest concentration of chemical obtained in this research.
Keywords: palm oil solid waste, pyrolysis, liquid smoke, chemical compound
Penulis: Abdul Gani Haji
Kode Jurnal: jpkimiadd130125
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